18-month-old Updates & Must Haves

I have an 18-moth-old.


It truly doesn’t seem possible! It feels like he was cozy in my belly yesterday. Thankfully, those really, really hard newborn days actually feel far away now. I swear there is some magic dust that is sprinkled on moms while they sleep that makes those tough moments disappear from your memory! If you’re still in the thick of it - hang tight, mama! It gets soooo much better.

I really love this stage. Yes, he still is an early rise - I have a feeling it’s just part of his DNA.

Yes, toddler tantrums are real.

Yes, I have my moments where he drives me crazy and I need a break.

But there are so many parts of this stage that make it oh-so-sweet.

The snuggles just because. When he calls me ‘ma-ma’ adoringly. The way his eyes light up when he learns something new. The curiosity and playfullness in the little thins. I hold him extra tight when he allows it because I worry these moments will become few and far between soon. Even when those snuggles come before 6:00 a.m. It all goes so fast. I can see him becoming more boy by the minute and less of my baby.

A few quick updates…

Navigating the picking eating phase

Ford was the best eater, but the last few weeks have been rough! The key has been to give him a variety of foods each week, not sticking to the same options each day. One day, he will love sausage & veggies and the next he won’t touch it. So, even if I find something he loves - I swich it up to keep him guessing. I’ve also had to get tricky in hiding veggies. He loves protein and fruit - and snacks, of course! He’s been more cautious with veggies, which is so funny because they used to be his favorite. Now, I hide veggies in his smoothies or will blend into pasta or other medleys.

I also stopped allowing options, especially at dinnertime. If he refuses to eat, I wait. If he’s hungry enough, he will eat it. And no more snacks after or right before dinner. There have been a few tears, but he’s getting better! The craziest part of it all is that he LOVES going out to eat. If we are at a restaurant, he will literally eat anything.

New Daycare and social experiences

Ford has been in full-time daycare for one year now. So crazy. We’ve made so much progress since the beginning and even though it was hard at times, it truly was the best decision I have made as a mom. He is thriving in the social environment and learning so much. I appreciate our time together so much more and can be productive when apart.

Everyday he comes home saying or doing something new and it makes me so proud. I still work on his speech and learning words at-home with flashcards, but I think he’s picking up on so much at school because he’s one of the younger in the toddler room. He now knows his body parts (eyes, nose, lips, toes, etc.) and can make sounds for animals (‘Baaa’ is his favorite) and loves to say ‘Choo Choo’ for trains. He is starting to learn his ‘ABC’s and can pronunce several words with mostly vowels. He motions for a few things and can point or find the word when he can’t say it (like pretending to brush his hair' when I show him the brush flashcard.)

I also still have him in weekly swimming lessons at Goldfish Swim School. I think this weekly activity has helped him so much in not only learning how to swim, but interacting with other kids and finding his confidence. I wish I had more time in the week for another activity that is more arts-focused, but maybe once the weather is warmer it will help not to feel so isolated at-home on evenings and weekends. We also really try to get out as a family and to take him along for adventures.

Those are the big updates and challenges right now…I am not ready for potty training, but know that will be on the horizon. We are in no rush for transitioning him out of the crib and kind of just enjoying this in-between phase where we can still manage his routine. I love watching him learn and grow and am trying to focus on the present vs. planning for the future. Each day is precious and it will seem like a blur soon.

Things he loves…

  • Cups with a straw (drinks so much more water with these)

  • Puzzles and magnets (especially animal shapes)

  • Exploring new places and going out to eat

  • Running wild in our basement (it’s a toy explosion down there)

  • Playing with cards and racing tracks

  • Reading books in our laps

  • Listening to music and dancing

Our 18-Month-Old Must-Haves