Year in Review: 2019


2019 was a big year from me.

It was a year of exploring new things and taking steps forward, even when the steps were small or hard to take. It was a year of transition in many ways. It was a year I went into blindly and was able to suprise myself…both in the good and bad that happened.

I started 2019 with a 5-month-old baby and not a lot of help or direction. I started the year ready for change. Ready to break free from my role as a stay-at-home-but-still-working-mom. Ready to find myself again after the blur of early motherhood life. I did not set lofty goals or big resolutions for 2019 because in many ways, it was a year of newness. A year of figuring it out and seeing what sticks. A year of fresh beginnings.

As an Aquarius, I’ve always marched to my own drum in my life and career. That’s just my personality. But 2019 was the year I finally owned it. I feel like I learned to tune out the noise of others and to embrace my own journey. It was a transitional year in many ways, just like the year prior. But this time it was tough because the changes were coming from me. I realized what I wanted and needed to be happy and I went for it.

When I reflect on everything that happened in 2019, I realized that I can be a great mom that chooses to work. I can pivot my career & follow my dreams. I can create the life I want even if it’s different than others expectations. I can try new things even if the old things are still working. i can do it and so can you!

Some of my favorite moments from 2019 include doing things I never thought could happen for me, like hosting my own workshops and events instead of being asked to attend or promote them for other brands. Growing my personal brand to something that is larger than the work I offer. Meeting and connecting with other Kansas City mamas that were not only supportive, but so helpful for me to lean on during my mom journey. Getting published in a national magazine. And even going through the process of buying a home we love so much for our family.

None of this was on my radar when we started the year. It all happened because I decided to just say ‘yes’.

2019 was a year of new opportunities and perspective. I landed clients I never imagined would want to work with me. I tried new things I didn’t know would ever be a possibility for me, like filming a TV show. I even started to write again and was given the opportunity to get paid to share my story online (what a dream)! At the same time, I made many pivots in my work. It wasn’t easy. I went all in on my business. I increased my rates, let go of clients and projects that were no longer serving me and challenged myself to ask for what I deserve.

I finally learned that I don’t have to be everything to everyone.

When it comes to personal growth, I became more open and vulnerable. Maybe it was because I turned 30 and it comes with the new decade, but I feel like I grew up and let go of fear in many ways. I shared the highs and lows and even though it wasn’t always graceful, I learned from it and connected with others that I never would have before. I stopped being afraid of just being myself and doing what I want. I stopped molding my thoughts, ideas and opinions around the company of clients or event family and friends. I let go of a lot and opened up the doors to so much more.

2019 was the year I embraced motherhood, but also followed my own path.

I realized that staying at-home was no longer serving me or giving Ford the best version of his mom. I learned to not only lean on my family A LOT this year and how important they are. As a mom, I grew in so many ways. I found my groove as a working mom and even though it came with a lot of lessons, like a constantly sick baby from daycare, it was all worth it. Which some of the days felt slow, I finally learned to embrace each one knowing it wouldn’t always be this way. I learned how to love the journey of motherhood by letting go of the timelines and expectations. I gave in to the fact that I won’t be a perfect parent and will make mistakes. I also learned to truly love being his mom. .

Thank you for following along on my journey. I am so excited to connect with you more in 2020!

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